abomi1Maprm1.0Active: 1967 –  
Realm: Marvel Universe
Aliases: none
Affiliations: none

The Abomination is a gamma radiation-spawned creature whose central purpose appears to be to make the Hulk look like less of a monster. Although his exact origin shifts over time he was an agent who wanted to duplicate the effects of Bruce Banner’s experiments. Yada yada yada, the Abomination.


He possesses vast superhuman strength and damage resistance, exceeding even the Hulk’s. What he does not have is the Hulk’s baby-smooth skin and consistent coloration. abomination toneDepending on the story and artist, the Abomination’s complexion runs from scaley to scabby and his skin tone spans a beautiful green rainbow from olive gray to teal to day-glo. That is probably why he doesn’t accessorize much, although the cape is a bold statement.


“I’m strong as the Hulk!! I can do anything!! I’m master of the world … of the whole universe!!”

Bronze +Iron + Modern Age

[Marvel Comics] [various]
[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] [2013] [Season 1, Episode 15, T.R.A.C.K.S]