My blood might be Zola’s but I was raised by Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter.”

Vocation: hero

Domain: Marvel Universe

Active: 1974, 1981, 2009, 2012 –

Affiliations: none

AKA: –

Nomad is sort of a spillover character for the Captain America crowd. Initially it was used by Cap himself in the 70’s when he got disillusioned by the pending bicentennial but still wanted to hero around.

The Red Skull later used a ringer, Edward Ferbel, to try to discredit the name, but Captain America has ringers of his own and just gave the Nomad identity to Jack Monroe, a former Bucky. Jack liked it so much he wore the costume out and had to wear his jogging outfit.

In the new millenium yet another former Bucky would take up the mantle so to speak as Nomad. Most recently the name has been used by Ian Rogers, Captain America’s adopted son from Dimension Z. Seriously.

References: [ Nomad]