absmn1Maprm1.0Active: 1965 –   
Realm: Marvel Universe
Aliases: none
Affiliations: Lethal Legion, Masters of Evil

What do you get when you give Curly magical powers and set him against the god of thunder? Apparently, the Absorbing Man, who ultimately transcends one of the worst combinations of costume and moniker in all comic continuity to become a reasonably interesting character. absmn1Macmu1.0The most recent incarnations base his powers on genetics and tech rather than magic, and he gets a shirt. His ability to duplicate the material and properties of anything he touches remains the same.


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Bronze +Iron + Modern Age

[Marvel Comics]
[JLA/Avengers] [2003-2004] [Number 3: Strange Adventures]
[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] [2014] [Season 2, Episode 1, Shadows] [Season 2, Episode 2, Heavy is the Head]  [Season 2, Episode 3, Making Friends and Influencing People] [Season 3, Episode 12, The Inside Man] [Season 5, Episode 11, All the Comforts of Home] [Season 5, Episode 13, Principia ] [Season 5, Episode 14, The Devil Complex ] [Season 5, Episode 15, Rise and Shine ]
[Season 5, Episode 16, Inside Voices ] [Season 5, Episode 17, The Honeymoon ] [Season 5, Episode 18, All Roads Lead … ]
[Season 5, Episode 19, Option Two ] [Season 5, Episode 21, The Force of Gravity ]