ace__5CNppo1.0Active: 1998 – 2018
Realm: Cartooniverse
Aliases: none
Affiliations: The Gang Green Gang

Ace of the Powerpuff Girls’ universe is the leader of the Gang Green Gang, and certainly the greasiest Ace of all that reality and probably of all others. Although he once manifested potent cold-generating powers, the only thing usually super powered about Ace is his attitude.ace__5CNppo1.1

ace__5Goril1.0He has recently been seen in the company of the Gorillaz, though it is not clear if he has turned in his Gang Green membership or if he has dual citizenship.

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Iron + Modern Era



[Powerpuff Girls] [1998-2005] [Season 4, Episode 1, Film Flam ] [Season 6, Episode 3, Live and Let Dynamo]