“Sorry I’m late, Ranger. They were checking IDs at the door.”

Vocation: kid hero

Domain: the Manse

Active: ca 1942

Affiliations: sidekick to American Ranger

AKA: Kid, KV, Man Victory

Kid Victory was the boy sidekick to American Ranger during the war years even facing off against Hitler himself. He retired from costumed adventuring but kept with public service eventually becoming Secretary of Defense.

References: [Supermansion] [2015 – 2019] [Season 1, Episode 4, A Shop In The Dark: 40’s sidekick to American Ranger; wields slingshot; later is secretary of defense; “Sorry I’m late, Ranger. They were checking IDs at the door.”; AKA “Man Victory”, proposed name for Kid Victory as an adult; AKA “KV”, familiar name for Kid Victory; AKA “Kid”, familiar name for Kid Victory; ]
