They live among us! Beware …

Vocation: extended family

Domain: Marvel Universe

Active: 12th century –

Members: Aadam, Fariha, Kamran, Namja, Saleem,

The Destines are a family of superhumans lurking just out of public consciousness in the Marvel universe for the last thousand years or so.

The comic that chronicled the family was named ClanDestine, but it doesn’t appear that they ever actually called themselves that.

The Destine Clan recently made its Marvel cinematic debut, although it featured a decidedly Asian branch of the family.

References: [ ClanDestine]

[Ms Marvel] [2022] [Episode 3, Destined: group of djin banished into our dimension; skilled hand to hand combatants; members: Namja, Fariha, Saleem, Aadam, Kamran, Aisha, ] [Episode 4, Seeing Red: ref to as the Clandestines; members: Namja, Fariha, Saleem, Aadam, Kamran, Aisha, ] [Episode 5, Time and Again: Namja, Fariha, Kamran, ]  [Episode 6, No Normal:  Kamran; ]
