“This time you’ll pay for your interference!”

Vocation: voodoo man

Domain: Fox Feature Syndicate

Active: 1941

Affiliations: none

AKA: –

Voodoo Man isn’t technically a super villain, but he ought to be. He has a villain name and his wacky get-up is as good as a costume, plus he’s got wicked black magic powers including raising pre-comics code zombies. If he were robbing banks in Metropolis, he’d be a bona fide villain.

References: [The Flame #4] [1941] [“Grim master of black magic and the strange cults of Haiti,  the Voodoo Man knows the awful secret of zombies … dead men made into slaves.”; conjures a sheet of water; stabs a shadow to kill the owner; projects his astral form; teleportation of others; “This time you’ll pay for your interference!”‘ foiled by his old enemy Bob Warren; ]

[The Flame #5] [1941] [teleportation of self; transforms thrown spears into snakes; summons soul-swallowing ghosts to scare off others; creates scrying pool; kill henchman to control his spirit as a messenger; traps another’s spirit in a figurine; animates stone statues; foiled by Bob Warren; ]

[The Flame #6] [1941] [makes zombies; projects his spirit as a hawk; kills a man by stabbing his shadow; teleportation of self; foiled by Bob Warren; ]

[The Flame #7] [1941] [sends a zombie spirit to possess another; can project his sprit form which can shrink at will; foiled by Bob Warren; ]

[The Flame #8] [1942] [makes a charm that lets him take control of another’s body; can project his spirit to act remotely; foiled by Bob Warren; ]