“Listen, you mugs, we’ll get rid of the peddler and the horse … he’ll talk or else.”

Vocation: mobster

Domain: Centaurverse

Active: 1939

Affiliations: none

AKA: –

Jack Pott’s Dick Tracy-style gangster antics were no match for the weird mythological antics of Speed Centaur.

References: [Amazing Mystery Funnies ] [Volume 2, Number 9] [1939] [general gangster; foiled and beaten by Speed Centaur; “Listen, you mugs, we’ll get rid of the peddler and the horse … he’ll talk or else.”; ]

[Amazing Mystery Funnies ] [Volume 2, Number 11] [1939] [ref to; ]

[Amazing Mystery Funnies ] [#19] [Volume 3, Number 3] [1940] [ref to; ]