Remember my face! It’s the last thing you’re ever going to see … and I want you to carry the memory of it straight to HELL

Vocation: vigilante antihero

Domain: Marvel Universe

Active: 1974 –

Affiliations: none

AKA: –

The Punisher is one of the darkest and complex characters in comics. When mobsters gun down his family, war veteran Frank Castle swears revenge on … pretty much everybody. While it’s easy to feel for the guy, it should be impossible to mistake him for a hero. He is an admitted murderer who has spent at least as much time fighting against superheroes as with them. As an antihero, though, his sleek look, sympathetic backstory, and dedication to punishing crime have earned him a dedicated following over the years.

The Punisher’s classic look became so iconic that it was frequently adopted by real-world organizations, some of which tended to the extreme. Marvel quietly retired that costume in favor of something less associated with controversy.

References: [ The Punisher]

[ Frank Castle ]